Exam Options (Student can choose)
1. Exams done at our Training Facility (In Class Training only) and must be paid and booked in advance. Student must pass with 85%. R200 per single course. (Certificate will indicate Exams Passed with %)
2. Assignments (E-Learning students only) - same as Exams, done online. Student has to pass with 80%. Practical Online Assignments must be booked and will be conducted on Teams/Skype. R200 per single course
2. EFT (please use Cell Number as reference) - Email POP to nailtales@gmail.com
** PLEASE NOTE FOR BANK DEPOSIT OR ATM DEPOSIT A FEE IS CHARGED. Student will be invoiced for the fees after payment.
3. Add item to Cart, do payment (directly from the website)
Nail Tales & Beauty
FNB Buss Acc: 63020008058
Branch 250655
**Use your cellphone number as reference
Email POP to nailtales@gmail.com
Cash Deposit Payments (at ATM)
J Erasmus
FNB Acc: 62912739763
**Use your cellphone number as reference
Email POP to nailtales@gmail.com