* Training Process
All courses has 1 day Theory & 2-3 days Practical Training. Extra training days can be booked - R150/per day
* Your Responsibilities
1. To attend class on the days
2. Bring your Kit, training
manual & notebook to class
3. Hand in Student Practice
Sheet before Exams

* To Register for In-Class Training
1. Apply online
2. Application can be emailed to student
3. Student can apply at the Training Facility
STUDY OPTION CHOICES (In Class Training only)
1. In Class Training with the following Options:
1.1 Receive an Certificate of Attendance after completion of Course
1.2 Receive a Certificate after Completion & Passing of Exams
* Payment Options
1. All fees upfront to reserve your
2. Exams payable 7 days prior to
Exam Date
3. Exam Fees R200 per course.
Combo Course Exam Fees
R200x total courses in combo
4. Payments via EFT or Bank Deposit.
(Hard Copy proof of Payment to be
emailed or sent via whatsapp)
5. Upon confirmation of your
payment you will receive an email
to confirm your payment &
registration with your student
* Exam Requirements
1. Exams must be booked 7 days
prior to Exam Date
2. Student Practice Sheet must be
handed in 7 days prior to Exam
3. Practical Exam Day 1
Theory Exam Day 2
4. Study Option Choices will
determine #3 & 4 above
5. Once your final exam was passed successfully, your Certificate will
be posted to you or you can
collect at the Training Facility